Browse Items (120 total)

  • Collection: Jack Greenley Casper College Photographs and Papers

ma wearing a tie_52.tif
A man standing in the back of a room with a suit and tie.

man with a wheelbarrow standing at a machine_71.tif
An old looking photo of a man with a wheelbarrow either putting something in or taking something out of a machine looking thing.

man with camera in mccanne who works for ohio oil co.tif
A man walks a woman holding flowers off a stage towards where Mccanne is standing. There is a large crowd and some of the people have signs and are yelling.

men in uniform drinking tea.tif
Four men in uniform sitting at a table drinking tea.

Faded picture of mountains in the distance

nixan press secretary.tif
Three men getting off an American airlines plane greeting the crowd lined up to see them.

Seven nurses sitting on a couch looking at the camera.

nurses taking care of children_12.tif
Two nurses taking care of toddlers. One nurse is feeding a toddler in a highchair and the other one is sitting in a chair reading to a toddler sitting on her lap.

old photo of mountain climbers.tif
An old photo of around ten men mountain climbing.

outside view from window_15.tif
Outside view of school window.
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