Browse Items (1410 total)

gathering with male students with a giant piece of fabric with a c on it.tif
Man in uniform being presented something while two men standing in front of him hold a giant piece of fabric with a C on it. Students all in similar clothes are sitting next to him clapping.

guy infront of giant rock_2.tif
A man standing next to a giant rock looking up at it. The rock has stairs leading up it and rails.

guy in his office.tif
A man sitting at a desk in an office with his back facing the camera.

henning hotel, one person_68.tif
A man standing behind a table with the words 'Henning Hotel' on it. There are mics in front of him and he seems to be giving a speech.

guy standing on giant rock_4.tif
A man standing on top of a giant rock smoking a pipe.

man walking out of registration_64.tif
A man walking out of registration, he is holding a brief case so he probably works at the college.

ma wearing a tie_52.tif
A man standing in the back of a room with a suit and tie.

man with a wheelbarrow standing at a machine_71.tif
An old looking photo of a man with a wheelbarrow either putting something in or taking something out of a machine looking thing.

man with camera in mccanne who works for ohio oil co.tif
A man walks a woman holding flowers off a stage towards where Mccanne is standing. There is a large crowd and some of the people have signs and are yelling.

This circa 1900 map by George F. Cram of Chicago reflects railroad development in Wyoming. The Burlington and Missouri Valley built across Weston County in 1889. The Union Pacific from Cheyenne north to Wendover and the Oregon Short Line from Granger…
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